Monday, October 11, 2010

Rockingham Meetinghouse

We went to our friends Brian and Lindsay's beautiful wedding yesterday at the Rockingham Meetinghouse, in Rockingham, VT.  The Meetinghouse was completed in 1801, and is the oldest public building in Vermont which still exists in its original state.  My brother and his wife also got married here.  It is a very unique and beautiful building with no electricity and huge amazing old windows.  Here are some pictures to give you an idea.  I sadly forgot to bring my camera, so I apologize for the phone pictures!

The meetinghouse also has amazing old burial grounds, in which the oldest graves date as far back as 1776.

For more information about the history of the Rockingham Meetinghouse you can go here.  It is an amazing place to visit if you happen to be in the area!  Campestral highly recommends it!


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