Friday, October 28, 2011

October Snow

 It's beautiful, but still, snow in October just cannot be a good sign.


  1. yay! I was just hoping that someone with more motivation and better camera skills would get out there this morning and take photos. Thank you! I ended up digging up my rosemary plant in the middle of the snow and dark last night. definitely not prepared over here.

  2. Nooooo! Way too soon. It is beautiful though.

  3. Oh my goodness, snow already!! Great photographs, thank you so much for sharing!! Love the last one, beautiful!

  4. Holy moly! We've never had snow that early here. It's a big deal if we get it by Thanksgiving, because we tend to get slammed mid-December through January.

    I've heard this year is supposed to be epic in terms of snowfall, so maybe yours will just be more spread out!

  5. Oh wow, you got a lot! We didn't get any where we are in CT, but my parents are just north and got a little bit. Not happy about snow already. I don't know if we can handle another year of epic snow!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry - giant typo.
    As much as I don't like that snow is headed our way - at least the first snow is so pretty! I don't feel the same about the rest of the snow!
    : ) Your photos are beautiful!
